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六方亚硝酸硼(hBN)是一种层状范德华材料,现有制造技术已经可以制备,是二维(2D)半导体物理学的理想研究对象。其宽能隙在内部光跃迁时可出现诸多色心缺陷态。有些色心(如金刚石碳化)在量子技术应用中显示出巨大潜力。近年来,人们报道了hBN许多色心可作为新一代高温单光子发射器。尽管仍未完全了解这些发射器的微观结构和电子结构,但人们广泛认同这些色心有可能与点缺陷和点缺陷复合物相关联。这些点缺陷还能实现孤立量子比特(quantum bits or qubits)。到目前为止,之前的有关hBN色心研究都只集中于色心的光学特性,还未涉及其在量子技术中的应用潜力,尤其是准2D半导体薄片hBN色心是否比其体材的色心更具优势,尚待深入研究。

匈牙利Wigner物理研究中心的Adam Gali领导的团队,对单片hBN中的硼空位(VB)进行了全面的第一性原理研究,特别是其相关的零场分裂、超精细分裂和光致发光光谱等,所有这些都与实验良好吻合。他们的研究结果揭示了hBN中硼空位(VB)的已知磁光特性,可使人们应用更先进的技术来探明VB电子结构所应有的功能。到目前为止,人们在实验中仅观察到一个光学跃迁,但作者却预测了存在诸多跃迁。可以利用两个或更多个激光器来激发,从而调控和改善光学初始化状态,并且显示出缺陷的性质。此外,他们还预测了VB通过工程应变调控其磁光特性的非凡能力。他们的第一性原理结果不仅重现了VB的最新实验结果,而且为开发基于VB的量子比特应用程序提供了理论基础。

该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 6: 41 (2020),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。

Ab initio theory of the negatively charged boron vacancy qubit in hexagonal boron nitride

Viktor Ivády, Gergely Barcza, Gergő Thiering, Song Li, Hanen Hamdi, Jyh-Pin Chou, Örs Legeza & Adam Gali 

Highly correlated orbitals coupled with phonons in two-dimension are identified for paramagnetic and optically active boron vacancy in hexagonal boron nitride by first principles methods which are responsible for recently observed optically detected magnetic resonance signal. Here, we report ab initio analysis of the correlated electronic structure of this center by density matrix renormalization group and Kohn-Sham density functional theory methods. By establishing the nature of the bright and dark states as well as the position of the energy levels, we provide a complete description of the magneto-optical properties and corresponding radiative and non-radiative routes which are responsible for the optical spin polarization and spin dependent luminescence of the defect. Our findings pave the way toward advancing the identification and characterization of room temperature quantum bits in two-dimensional solids.



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