IWAPS 2020 参会须知

IWAPS 2020将于11月5-6日在成都召开,请各位参会者合理安排行程,近期成都天气状况如下,注意保暖,避免感冒!






1. 微信扫码;

Please scan the QR code with WeChat.


2. 扫码后:进行身份核验;

After scanning the code, perform identity verification.

3. 填写个人相关信息(酒店名称:四川川投国际酒店,地址:成都双流金河路66号(双流蛟龙工业港));

Fill in personal information (hotel name: Sichuan Tennis International Hotel, address: No.66 Jinhe Road Shuangliu District Chengdu).

4. 健康码生成示意图;

Schematic diagram of health code generation.

5. 查找申领成功的天府健康码;

Find the Tianfu Health Code after successfully generated.


Open the WeChat interface, scroll down to show the small program interface, find or search for Tianfu Health through recently used, and click to enter.




The Prevention and Control Matters

1. 积极配合防疫工作,请主动出示健康码并配合体温测量;

Actively cooperate with epidemic prevention work, please take the initiative to show your health code and cooperate with body temperature measurement.

2. 时刻保持个人防护意识,养成随身携带口罩,科学规范佩戴口罩、勤洗手、常通风、保持安全社交距离的卫生习惯;

Always maintain the awareness of personal protection, develop the hygiene habit of carrying a mask with you, scientifically standardizing wearing a mask, washing your hands frequently, frequent ventilation, and keeping a safe social distance.

3. 与新疆喀什地区新冠肺炎病人和无症状感染者行动轨迹有交集的人员,特别是10月10日以来到过新疆喀什地区的人员,应主动向会议举办方报备相关情况,主动配合相关防控措施;

People who have an intersection with the trajectory of new coronary pneumonia patients and asymptomatic infections in Kashgar, Xinjiang, especially those who have been to Kashgar since October 10, should take the initiative to report relevant information to IWAPS organizer and actively cooperate with relevant prevention and control Measures.

4. 如出现发热、咳嗽、腹泻、乏力等症状,应佩戴好口罩,主动向会议方报备,并及时到就近的医疗机构发热门诊进行排查和诊疗,就医过程尽量避免乘坐公共交通工具;

If symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, fatigue, etc. occur, wear a mask, take the initiative to report to IWAPS organizer, and promptly go to the nearest medical institution fever clinic for investigation and treatment, and try to avoid public transportation during medical treatment.