IEEE最新论文|长期困扰工业界和学术界的振荡器低频相位噪声《Oscillator Flicker Phase Noise》

胡诣哲 EETOP 今天
本论文由EETOP论坛资深版主JoyShockley(胡诣哲)分享在Analog IC板块,该论文为版主最新发表在IEEE的论文。欢迎大家点击阅读原文下载原版论文。


希望这篇受邀撰稿的TCAS II文章能”彻底地“解释这个长期困扰工业界和学术界的问题。


 “Oscillator Flicker Phase Noise: A Tutorial” 致敬振荡器的经典 Lee & Hajimiri 的 “Oscillator Phase Noise: A Tutorial” 。


A deep understanding of how to reduce flicker phase noise (PN) in oscillators is critical in supporting ultra-low PN frequency generation for the advanced communications and other emerging high-speed applications. Unfortunately, the current literature is either full of conflicting theories and ambiguities or too complex in mathematics, hiding the physical insights. In this tutorial, we comprehensively review the evolution of flicker noise upconversion theories and clarify their controversial and confusing parts. Two classes of such upconversion mechanisms in voltage-biased LC-tank oscillators (nMOS-only and complementary) are specifically compared and numerically verified using a commercial simulation model of 28-nm CMOS. We identify that non-resistive terminations of both 2nd and 3rd harmonic currents contribute to oscillation waveform asymmetries that lead to the flicker noise upconversion. Further, we discuss three 1/f3 PN reduction mechanisms: waveform shaping, narrowing of conduction angle, and gate-drain phase shift.


